Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
To Bitch, Or Not To Bitch
The sun is out for the first time this week. Must be good news. Or the spiffy music I am listening to. I kinda like Ben Kweller.
What does it really mean to be a bitch now a days. I call myself one, but I beleive my definition is a bit skewed. It used to mean evil, or bitter, or angry and mean, just plain awful. Really, any girl with a mind of her own is called a bitch. I hang out with dudes, I dont like girlie stuff, I tell people when they suck or are being mean, and sometimes that is labled as being a bitch, but never by men I might add.
My back has been itching lately.
Almost every night this week I have had a nightmare. I really have an overactive imagination.
If you need a book to read you should read the Housewrights by Art Corriveau
Its the sexiest book I have ever read, ever. SEXY!
That is all.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Burkin Lurkin

I've been writting for a long time. My first post? Titles Falling. Subject A sleep. Amusing.
Maybe I try a little too hard.
This weekend I found that my wardrobe is largely lacking in low cut tops. Whats up with that? That was like my think 4 years ago. Man, all of you guys could have seen my boobs. Well, too bad so sad.
Yeah. That bread is awesome. Google picture find is a wonder among men.
Sports is a good way to get a free t-shirt. Go free t-shirt.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Spendin' Money
Adam - Dont click the link or you shall be spoiled beyond recognition!
So I bought my wedding dress. I am now in shock.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
I Am Very Angled
I have just wasted the past 5 hours doing nothing. I hate today. I woke up so damn crabby.
Like a very smart man, Adam is working late tonight to leave me with my crabbiness.
Which makes me more crabby.
Damn him.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I Wish Mustard Never Existed
My mom's O.K. Surgery went fine.
I hate mustard. I hate it so much! Ham & Cheese sandwiches should not taste like ass, which they do when they are toppled by Mustard! I couldn't even stand C. Mustard on Clue. Damn yellow peice, its never him anyway! Always Professor Plum! And for good reason, because Mustard Sucks! Bad Mustard Bad!

So, is that girl in the picture or putting together the puzzle? I get the feeling this guy is real lonely, so he is building a puzzle with this chick standing on the bridge and he pretends she's real. Thats why he's talking to her. Dude, get a real girlfriend. Man. People are so stupid.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Smart De Doo

I entered Cleverness into google and this is the image tht popped up. Flies. Smart Flies no less. Smart flies freakin pinned to a board or something. I had to do that, a bug collection. I pinned over 50 different moths, beatles, bees, gnats, spiders, anything I could stuff into a plastic container filled with nail polish remover. It was totally gross. If someone tells you pinning bugs to a box is cool, run away. They are clearly insane and might want to kill you.
Rain Rain, Do Something Already
I have always had this theory, and in honor of the rainstorms outside and the influence of a television charecter's blog, I will list the reason why I beleive my job is Hell.
1. Like Hell, I am required to wake up early.
2. Soft Rock is constantly playing in the background.
3. The water tastes awful.
4. We are not allowed to wear flip - flops.
5. Our microwave was taking away by the CFO
6. Bonus come in the form of 401Ks, which no one in the office but senior executives actually have.
7. We are constantly in fear of injury, based on our lousy Health Insurance.
8. There is no other food sources except expensive resturaunts with 10 dollar lunches.
9. My chair forces me to slouch forward all day.
10. I think my desk gets an inch smaller each day.
Well if this isn't the work of the devil, I am not sure what is.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Living Will Isn't So Living Is It?
Am I bad person not to fly out for my mother's surgery? I don't really have the money, and neither do they, but....I dunno. She just told me she wrote her living will. The doctors heavily suggested it because "even with simple surgeries you never know". I was named the secondary proxy, after my dad. So if my father passes away too, well then I'm in charge of my mother's health decisions.
I really should move closer to them.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Why I Should Be Very Happy
6:45 a.m.
Alarm goes off, a little Beatles in the background
I reach an arm around to my side
Adam likes it when I rub his back in the morning
Makes getting up a little easier
I hear him saying something, but is garbled under his breath
Something like "you are Elizabeth, my fiance"
When I try to respond he rolls over, forcing me to get a little closer
"What did you say?" I ask.
"Hannah means Grace."
A name I threw around when we talked about childrens names
He must have looked it up, and now is talking about it in his sleep
Hannah. It really is a beautiful name.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
What Market Segment Am I?
So here at my little advertising department we have just received our demographic data! Each person is grouped into 20+ groups. Let's try to figure out which one I am!!!
Yay, its a game.
Okay, so here are the choices
A: Bohemian Mix

A collection of young, mobile urbanites, Bohemian Mix represents the nation's most liberal lifestyles. Its residents are a progressive mix of young singles and couples, students and professionals, Hispanics, Asians, African–Americans and whites. In their funky rowhouses and apartments, Bohemian Mixers are the early adopters who are quick to check out the latest movie, nightclub, laptop and microbrew.
B: Young Digerati

Young Digerati are the nation's tech–savvy singles and couples living in fashionable neighborhoods on the urban fringe. Affluent, highly educated and ethnically mixed, Young Digerati communities are typically filled with trendy apartments and condos, fitness clubs and clothing boutiques, casual restaurants and all types of bars–from juice to coffee to microbrew.
C: Young Influentials

Once known as the home of the nation's yuppies, Young Influentials reflects the fading glow of acquisitive yuppiedom. Today, the segment is a common address for young, middle-class singles and couples who are more preoccupied with balancing work and leisure pursuits. Having recently left college dorms, they now live in apartment complexes surrounded by ball fields, health clubs and casual-dining restaurants.
A, B or C
The Choice Is Yours!
More People Read This Then Previously Thought

Yeah, so like 3 people have talked to me about my blog. That’s weird. I thought no on read this thing. Well sometimes weird things happen. Like these dogs. Crazy things!!!
Had Lunch with Liz, because temping across the street is awesome. She does agree this area is superb, especially the great short commute, emphasis on short.
I'm on hold right now. Its awesome.
Also you know what else is awesome, old school rock songs. I love that our radio plays random 70s & 80s rock. Way to go radio, you have been added to my list of things that help me accomplish my ultimate goal. Would you like to know what that is? Oh, I know you do.
Today will be a good day, even if I have to beat it to submission, or threaten it with a really big stick.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Why Dont You Take Me To Germantown?
This weekend was blah. Mostly, I tried to rest up after the crazy week. It seems the craziness isn't over, but at least I have survived a week of it, so it wont kill me.
Living is good.
Also, I now walk through the La Brea Tar Pits everyday to work, cus thats where our new parking lot is. Kinda nice.
I watched the season premiere of Veronica Mars. It kinda sucked. It was all flashback and lame ass acting. We are suppossed to beleive she is just trying to go back to normal after someone just tried to kill her! And what about Logan saying he Loved Veronica. That seemed like a kind of big deal, and just glossed over in a freakin flash back. Eh, Lost is still good.