Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Green Slip Tank

Is it wrong to stare at your own boobs?


Its almost vacation time. Wooooooo. Life is like a damn long walk that never ends.

Friday, May 21, 2004


a sleep.


I really only have about 3 hours of hard work in me, about 4 hours of so - so work, and the rest is just me pretending to do work while I stare in to space. Discuss.


So on friday I touched upon a key topic. Yes, I actually had a point (although I thought of it later) on that short introduction. My point being, lying, what is it good for and when do we use it?

Well if you are like me you use it all the god damn time. I use it at work (to get out of stuff or to make me look good), to my parents (no mom I don't need any money and yes I will go to church at some point), and most important in relationships. The relationships I have with friends are mostly built on lies. I pretend to like them and they keep calling. Trust me, it works. But what about my relationship with my boyfriend. Do I lie there? Of course!

Before you start wagging your heads and tisking for shame I'm not talking about the big dramatic lies like I'm really a man or something like that (I am not, I have no penis), I mean the day to day lies. If your man tells you, "Honey I can't talk right now, I'm playing a video game" your response should be, "Thats ok I'll call back later." You lie! I lie! I want him to get of his damn video game and talk to me! But then again if I am at home watching Gilmore Girls and he calls me, well then, I want him off the damn phone. So its give and take. It may be a lie right then and there but thats love and understanding for you.

Actually our relationship is based on truth, entire truth whether it hurts or not. Many fights or discussions have been brought about by our honest look at our relationship and eachother, but instead of fights being starting points for spiral of suckiness they usually are an end to a slight discomfort that mysteriously dissapears once in the light, like bugs.

Is this blog a lie considering he cant see it? No. Cus he has one. I win.

First Day A Fishin'

So I don't know how to fish, but my boyfriend thought this might be a good idea. Sometimes I listen to him, sometimes I don't. Guess I'm a sucker for love 'cus I got one of these started. But he's never to read this, no, for this contains my deepest darkest secret, I AM LAME!