Rain Rain, Do Something Already
I have always had this theory, and in honor of the rainstorms outside and the influence of a television charecter's blog, I will list the reason why I beleive my job is Hell.
1. Like Hell, I am required to wake up early.
2. Soft Rock is constantly playing in the background.
3. The water tastes awful.
4. We are not allowed to wear flip - flops.
5. Our microwave was taking away by the CFO
6. Bonus come in the form of 401Ks, which no one in the office but senior executives actually have.
7. We are constantly in fear of injury, based on our lousy Health Insurance.
8. There is no other food sources except expensive resturaunts with 10 dollar lunches.
9. My chair forces me to slouch forward all day.
10. I think my desk gets an inch smaller each day.
Well if this isn't the work of the devil, I am not sure what is.
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