Thursday, July 13, 2006
Living with Parents, Here We Come
Adam and I are moving in September. My last day of work wil be August 31 and our move will be shortly after. We have mostly decided to continue the wedding plans as is and then have a moving van take our stuff after the wedding while Adam and I drive into the sunset. Seriously, this is quick and way sooner than Adam and I expected, but stuff happens and you just have to deal with it.
So see you all later. Peace out.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Shower Power
This was both one of the best weekend, and one of the most sressful. Adam and I most likely will move before the wedding. It is not really what we wanted to do, but it probably will happen. My brain has turned into mush with having to deal with that prospect and my mother in law in town. Having both and realizing I will most likely be living with my mother in law is just a little too much to handle right now.
But the shower was so awesome. Best thing ever. Renee and Amanda were just wonderful. I will update later when I have time. Again, brain is mush.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Cleaning Frenzy
How was your 4th? Good?
The dreaded small talk. Arg.
Blah, Blah, BBQ, Blah, Blah, fireworks, Blah, Blah, good time. Thanks Rob and Yaiza, it actually was very sweet and fun for you to host.
I hate cleaning, and anyone who likes to clean is crazy. Its work and I am not getting paid. I don't want to do it and everything ends up getting all dirty all over again, and then you have to clean, and then it gets dirty, and then you have to clean. Wah, Wah, Wah.
Man, with all the blahs and wahs you might as well just skip over this post and go read a book or something.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Why Don't I Have a Holiday?
I am stuck at work with nothing to do. That is the worst, having to come into work when most other people are off and having nothing to do. Boo. I don't like being bored.
This weekend was all right. I got my haircut with Renee. Its short. Yup, I chickened out of the whole long thing. Its just not my style. I look so much better with short hair. I will have short hair at my wedding.
The previous post explains how I felt the rest of the weekend.
I went over to some friends sunday night for pizza and some show where they curse a lot. It was pleasant, except naturally things upset me. A lot is riding on this wedding, ie it is holding my family together, and to have someone treat it like a night at the movies just feels icky.
Renee and Amanda have done so much for my bridal shower and I really thank them from the bottom of my heart. They really do not realize how grateful I am and how much it is going to be a highlight for not only myself, but my aunt who is just devestated. I get calls from my family all the time because my wedding is what my papa (my grandfather) is living for. Renee is planning this event on her birthday! I got her some nice gifts and I'm going to talk to Amanda and try to arrange something nice for her too. I am just so sorry that others don't seem to have the same enthusiams.