Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Why Haven't I Been Fired?

So ANTM is awesome for its total bitchiness and the way it has completly taken over my brain.

Also did anyone see last night's episode of House? I had no idea who Cuddy had named in charge until the promo for next week's episode. Man, poor House. He must get tired of being such an asshole. I thought Cuddy was going to be his new supervisor, and that would be awesome. I like Cuddy. They should kick Sela Ward and Cameron off the team and have it just be Cuddy and House. Wouldn't that make an awesome sitcom? House returning home from work just to have Cuddy hit him with a golf club. Man that would be good television.

I'm on the job search again, and I think my boss is trying to convince me to quit. Well sucks to be him because I aint leaving until I have another paying job.

Now I have just become one of those blogs talking about TV. God Damn it. Life is more than T.V.

I am such a liar.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanksgiving, Yum!

My family has taken a time warp back to high school, and somehow I sent them there. I love finding out months later that I have caused, once again, a giant riff in my family. Luckily its just extended family, and not my mom & dad. They still love me. :) Hey, it fress up some space for the reception.

I have to start working towards this wedding. I have done nothing.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005



Friday, November 11, 2005

Been Alone for an Hour

On the job hunt again. Fun stuff! Although this time my options seems a lot more open. I might actually get a job that doesn't end up shaddy and evil.

I actually have plans before the weekend starts. Thats weird. Like many plans. So many plans that the planning of planet town is totally planned out to the planetisimal.

Too many words. I beleive I just blew up.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

Today Is For Suckers, Tomorrow Is For You

I don't even know what that means.

So I should just stop whatever I am doing now and write horror flicks. I have 10 ideas that I came up with RIGHT NOW that are awesome. One even game my co-worker the shivers. Okay, whose with me?

To the Batcave!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Fun Times Had By All

Adam and I took some glamour shots last night after a pretty hillarious America's Next Top Model. If one actually makes me look pretty I'll put it up here. My hair is in my face, my boobs out, if that doesn't make me look pretty I don't know what will. Plastic surgery?


I need a portable CD player that works. Or better yet, a computer that works. Damn 2 broken computers at home. You guys totally let me down. Shame on you broken computers.

May Day is this weekend. It was so much fun last time. I hope its the same thing again, hopefully with even less pressure on us than before!


yeah......i like typing.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wallets are for Suckers

I totally forgot my wallet, like an idiot. Maybe its sign that I should continue in my quest to look totally awesome in my wedding dress. I beleive I drunkenly said one day that I didn't care what I looked like. Well after spending over $700 on a dress I will wear once, I thought better of it. Yogurt and sit-ups for me pal. Yup Yup.

We have decided to add another addition to the wedding fan - fair, a party! In order to save money we are going to lesson the attendance of the catered luncheon, and just have booze and pizza at the evening party for everyone. How great does that sound! I could not have wished for anything more.

Oh, and we are meeting with the minister on christmas eve. Thats a bit worrisome.