Why Haven't I Been Fired?
So ANTM is awesome for its total bitchiness and the way it has completly taken over my brain.
Also did anyone see last night's episode of House? I had no idea who Cuddy had named in charge until the promo for next week's episode. Man, poor House. He must get tired of being such an asshole. I thought Cuddy was going to be his new supervisor, and that would be awesome. I like Cuddy. They should kick Sela Ward and Cameron off the team and have it just be Cuddy and House. Wouldn't that make an awesome sitcom? House returning home from work just to have Cuddy hit him with a golf club. Man that would be good television.
I'm on the job search again, and I think my boss is trying to convince me to quit. Well sucks to be him because I aint leaving until I have another paying job.
Now I have just become one of those blogs talking about TV. God Damn it. Life is more than T.V.
I am such a liar.