Thursday, December 23, 2004

The World has Received Improved Marks

Today I arrived home. Strange, but its not really the same. Touching, I know. I never get serious.

Oh my god I totally caught serious. I may have to go to the hospital. When they ask if you would like to pull the plug say yes, for gods sake, say yes.

Jesus my brain cells must decrease in my sleep.

Just so you know, too much cranberry juice is not a good thing.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Goodbye Cruel Los Angeles

My Christmas song

O' The time goes slow at Christmas time
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Makes me pull my hair, scream and whine
Yeah Yeah Yeah
I just wish Christmas was here
To get out all my christmas cheer

O' The traffic gets crazy at Christmas time
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Makes me park handicap, no matter the fine
Yeah Yeah Yeah
I just wish Christmas was here
So at 8 am its okay to drink beer!

O' My money is tight at Christmas time
Yeah Yeah Yeah
But I try to buy more even in the check out line!
Yeah Yeah Yeah
I just wish Christmas was here
Or else I'm gonna shed a tear!

Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah.

Monday, December 20, 2004

77 Days Til Arbor Day

The picture of my cat has disappeared and I have no idea why. How sad. But, life goes on.

"Rudolph the red nosed girl who cut her cat's claws and received a huge gash on her nose as reward" Fa la la la la

Love, Actually is a movie that pops into my head all the time for no reason. Its the only film that has stayed with me that long. I saw it last Christmas and I still ponder the relationship between Liam Nieson and his son.

I had 5 men in my house on Friday. You heard it. 5.

Monday, December 13, 2004

My Black Sweater has White Hair on it

I finished my X-mas shopping, I think. I love X-Mas. I love buying and giving presents. I love wrapping and putting up cute X-Mas signs. I love totally buying into the commercialization of a religious holiday stolen from the pagens in hopes to convert the heathens.

There is a mysterious bow on my desk, but I dont think that work is a present.

I get really possessive of my pens.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Your Fortune Reads Ridiculous

Today has been one long day. I want to go to bed, but its only 5 o'clock.

Earlier I posted the death of O.D.B. Well come to find out he died 'cus he had a freakin cocaine bag in his stomach. What an idiot. All that money and he couldnt afford the safety ballon.

Sometimes when I yawn my jaw hurts.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I'm on the Mexican Radio

I beleive skin flute it totally made up and no one knows what that means.

I'm ******** something I ******** be ******** about.

Leaving my coat at my Aunts has thrown a monkey wrench in my wardrobe.

I bought a/n ******* ******* ****** for Adam.

Do all these stars make me mysterious?

Monday, December 06, 2004

Hog Down at Hooters

Eating two meals at Hooters will get you sick. I don't recomend it. I guess most people get drunk and dont notice how greasy their food is.

I am wearing a green shirt. More and more I like green. Yellow used to be my favorite color but maybe the combo of the two is now my favotire. Wait, I think that makes brown. Well I am also wearing brown so I guess thats Ok.

I am consumed with a Video Game again and can not rest until I finish!

Friday, December 03, 2004

Fed Ex Thinks I'm Drunk

Last night I walked the red carpet. Well, a red carpet.

Little balls of potato are good, but not with 3 drinks. But not feeling drunk off those three drinks until you try to eat fries on your couch and they fall everywhere, well thats just awesome.

Chirstmas is almost here! My mom told me she lost some of my presents. I did find Adam's present so thats okay. But my mom told me she bought my presents from my High School. Thats weird cus I graduated from college and hate my high school.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Place Your Nose In Line

I am very frustrated over Adam's present. I will not say what it is because that would give it away, by telling it, in public, where he can read it.

They fucking sent it US Mail. And now it is gone. Away. Bye Bye.

I can't wait til I go home.

For some reason I thought there was an earthquake last night but Adam seems to think it was just him rolling around.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Livin' On A Coke

For some reason I have stopped being hungry in the day and only eat at 8:000 pm on the dot. I've decided this will be my new fangled diet plan and I will sell it on ebay. They buy anything right?

My face has been flushed the past several days, which is weird because I am not sure what that means.

My office is all Christmasyed out. Yes that is a word. My house, ever so not christmascenteredoutymabob. No, that one I made up.