Monday, November 29, 2004

Nothing Catchy to Say?

I feel very sick, but in a weird sick way where it feels like my chest is caving in and I'm slowly shrinking.

Thanksgiving was nice but I think our left overs got spoiled and now I refuse to eat them. I guess leaving them in the hot sun while Adam and I wander Old Town for hours was not a good idea. It seemed like one at the time.

I slept not a wink last night. Our next door neighbor has a wind machine and he had it going last night! At least I think its a wind machine. But why would it be going at 4 in the morning at full blast? Could it be possible that our bright pink halways are haunted?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

My Sandwich Was Too Big For Me

My massive hair exploded my hair clip. Well that fucked my entire look. I was going to wake up early and actually put in some effort, but that would have required getting up early and that is unacceptable.

Tonight Adam and I head down to my Aunts for a Thanksgiving feast. Poor little Evelyn will be left on her own at home for a whole day. I'm surprisingly worried about her. Its a surprise because I am heartless.

I enjoy the name Hannah, but it looks very strange actually written.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Time to Get a New Housekeeper

Thanksgiving is coming up and I am not prepared. I haven't even loosened my waist hems yet! Jesus! Who has time to freakin' create my own acorn/maple leaf napkin holders?

I have found the perfect X-Mas gift and it is glorious. Click the link. I'm totally getting it for my mom. (And for those that havent figured it out yet, if you click on my titles on the top of each post they link you to a site.)

I had a dream I was pressured to marry some strange man and I killed him with a knife. Pretty damn cool if you ask me. I think it might be time to purchase some knives. Or not marry strangers. Choices like that are hard.

So I heard someone was actually reading this. I feel sorry for them, but not for me, 'cus this is just all lies.


Friday, November 19, 2004

Jacket Sleeves Should Not Be 3/4

At work our phones are out so it has been so quiet. It was also quiet yesterday when I lost my voice.

Adam is off work this week, lucky bastard, so of course he keeps me up with his snoring. I should poke him throughout the night with a wooden spoon to teach him a lesson.

It's freakin' cold out here. I almost have to start wearing a jacket.

Sitting Around, Waiting for Saturday

I realize that I hate working altogether. Its the greatest prison of humanity. This is why we will never be better than those stinkin' Dolphins.

I hope I have lost weight enough to wear the outfit I am wearing at the moment.

Nothing is better than a coke in mid afternoon when I am bored.

Truth is I talk too much when I am shy.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

It's the Television Stupid

My boyfriend is in the best mood he has been in for a while and I am stuck at work. Drats.

I was going to write something here that would incriminate me. So I won’t.

I like the color of deep red, like blood. But really blood doesn’t look like that. So that description is totally wrong.

It’s very free to write something that no one reads!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Punch the Sky!

I will be having a Thanksgiving sleepover. Hope people can attend. We're gonna watch scary movies. I like scary movies. I bite Adam while watching the Grudge. Ask him. He's annonymous.

I'm getting too good at my job. I end up finishing everything to early and then I get bored. Stop it.

I beleive I may be allergic to the air that lives only in my car.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

People Tell Me I'm Wearing Blue

My favorite part about myself is my freckles. I don't have them think, just little ones here and there. I dont like the ones on my face except the one just below my left eye, but I love the ones on my arm. I usually get a new one every year, but this year I got a whole bunch! Its probably because I actually had a real summer vacation down in North Carolina. Its like a puzzle on my own arm.

And now I am done with that.

I read my boyfriend to sleep most nights, or I tell him a story from childhood until he falls asleep.

Monday, November 15, 2004

The Many Injuries of a Young Person

I have a cut on my finger. While this seems rather ridiculous and small, most of my work in done on the computer and this greatly slows my perfomance.

I played soccer yesterday and now my stomach is sore. Thats a good thing right? I liked walking in griffith park. I think I shall try to do that every weekend, get the blood a pumpin'.

So O.D.B. died. I still remember his MTV special where he bought food stamps in a limo. He died at 35. Whenever someone dies young they tell you when there next birthday is, and it always seems to fall close to their death date. So I say every year for like a week before and after I should avoid sharp objects and drunk drivers, cus you never know.

I dreamt last night of deadly tidal waves that I only survived in a Lost like fashion in a submarine. I also stole a bunch of people's rings. So I guess when the deadly tidal waves wash over America it will be my mission to steal the rings that have slipped off the dead's hands.


Friday, November 12, 2004

I Hate Veterans Day

Our cat broke some more stuff. No one told me I was going to have to kitty lock all of our cabinets.

Also, for those out there, don't use DHL. I know what I am talking about. Using DHL is so bad you might as well throw your package down the river. Wet and gone, at least you know what happened to it.

Fridays are the worst for productivity. Fridays should be fun days where your job has a list of activities like scavenger hunts and tug of war to get you going. Or better yet, I like half days. I should just leave at 12:00 and say "Well It's Friday and I want to go home." I wonder if I will get fired? Eh.

Happy Dwalli.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

I Hope Today is Tomorrow

I have a headache.

I have an enormous trip planned for X-Mas that requires cross country missions but Im too damn tired to describe it, so imagine some insane idea and its worse.

I'm wearing a sweater I loved last year, but now makes me look like a fish in a hippy costume.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Naughty Does What It Does

Our cat, yes that cute cat of ours, broke our Pepper Shaker. And this was no ordinary Pepper shaker. No, it was a Pepper shaker in the shape of a Robin mug that went with the Batman Lunch box salt shaker. And now Batman is all salty by himself with no Pepper Robin! That bad cat of ours. What shall we do?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Invocate Me in Your Movie

My boss is again sick. I reign Supreme!

Or I'm overloaded with shit. Pick one.

There is a candle in our bathroom that is so big that when I tipped it over onto my finger it actually caused pain that has continues until even now. :)

Thanksgiving is almost here. I like mashed potatos.

If you ever hear someone singing the Lord of the Rings Potatos song punch 'em in the face.

I'm wearing that green silk top today. Link to previous posts to find out what that means.

Monday, November 08, 2004

The Last Post Was A Let Down

So I do apologize to my readers for a boring and obtuse entry today. It was not meant to be used for the sole purpose of confusion and anxiety, but rather venting and hyperventilating.

I am so white that the veins in my hands make shapes. Today its the letter L.

My Boss is out again so I am running the company. Yes they let me. No the place is not on fire yet. Its weird. For most people when your boss is sick you just do your own thing and go home early. For me, when the boss is sickie, I have to work twice as hard and then make sure the place doesnt burn down. Thats hard work. I hate hard work.

I fell asleep on the floor during SNL.


I am so furious, but I wont tell you why.

Why you ask?

Because. Thats why.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Look at my cat!

Adam and I had the same dream in bed last night. While that is great and confirms my fears that couples not only start to look like eachother but start deveolping the same brain, our dream was about he cheating on me. Yes. We both dreamed it. Should I be worried?


My belly sticks out on these pants. Damn Belly! If only I could wear my silky slips all day. I bet I could. But then people would see my naughty bits all day.

I better not tell my boyfriend about that idea, he might make me do it.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dont put all your eggs in the wrong bush

The worst is when you get up from your desk and your hand cracks. That hurts.

I would like to point out that my blog might show different but I actually graduated with an English degree and am very articulate.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Grass is Always Greener in Another Country

I'm moving to Canada.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I Voted Today

Today was a Nightmare. I totally cried while Voting. Who cries?

Well when the poll worker tells you that she thinks your committing voter fraud and that your vote won’t count, well that sucks.

So I went to the right precinct and voted. So it was my fault, but did she have to be so mean? I cry at the drop of a hat. I’m like a fucking waterfall. Don’t get all sappy on me now. I SAID DONT!

My nana & papa are moving to Toledo, OH, where I was born. They need help these days so my Aunt Lynne & Uncle Eugene will be there for them. Hope everything turns all right.

Monday, November 01, 2004

I Hate Brandy

Happy Halloween!

Adam and I went as the Bumbling Proffessor and I as the Naughty Librarian. Pretty much he just wore a suit jacket and bow tie and I unbuttoned a few choice buttons. Hot!

Well not so hot. Mostly cold. Mostly cold after Brandy poured her water bottle down my shirt! Yes that really happened and yes it was on purpose and no I didnt do anything to incite her and yes I am 23 years old! When it happened, well, I was in shock. It seems so was everyone else at that party. I didn't see Brandy after that. I think, wisely, she left. Adam lent me his jacket and the owner of the house offered paper towels. We left after that, but jesus. How strage.

Interesting Costumes of the weekend:

Wine in Box Guy (although he peed wine on the floor, not cool)
Cow Utter Flasher (good old Pete)
Christmas Tree (I prefer Amanda's Grapes from last year, but this was fun too)
Scary Rabbit Mask Guy (John just being creepy)
2 Canadians
Sexy for President

and others I have already forgotten.

The best costume I saw was a man, in a pretty empty corner, dressed in a white wedding gown with blood down the front. It was hillarious, just seeing this rather large men, alone, in a white wedding dress. Classic.