Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I Dont Think I'm Awake Yet

This morning I had the strangest feeling like I hadn't woken up yet. I was still asleep dreaming about driving into work. I still feel like that. Am I asleep? Wake up! Or better yet, sleep, sleep, cus mommy's tired.

Adam and I watched the Davinci code last night on the world premier 4x digital screening. It was amazing. The screen was so big! Adam scoffed at my amazement, but seriously it was awesome. I think we are going to see cars next week the same way. We saw the preview with the new digital projector, and man, we were in the back and we could see every little detail. Awesome.

Yeah the Davinci code was all right. I am glad I paid $0 dollars to go see it. I didn't like the book that much and still the book was better. Boo.

I am very excited for this movie tomorrow. Renee, Kristen, possibly Leslie, Corinne, and possibly even more! I mean what is more powerful than Peter Faulk, Jeff Goldblum and Cindy Lauper? I say nothing.


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